Container Wharf

The environment in the container wharf is so critical for the positioning device, because the stacking up of the containers just like a metal wall, that caused multi-path interference for the satellite signal, with the normal positioning device, the deviation may go up to few ten meters away. XD-R3005GD is tailor-made for this tough environment. This positioning terminal equipped with multi-GNSS and multi-frequency satellite receiver, that can eliminate the multi-path interference more effectively.

With the XD-T100 outdoor base station installed in the wharf office building, the positioning differential data send over and the whole harbor is under covered. XD-R3005GD installed on the container tractor, once it enters to the wharf, with RTK differential technology and special algorithm designed by Peak Points Tech, the precise position within less than a meter can be achieved and the route of the tractor is recorded on the StarSpotter software platform real-timely.

In control center, manager can get the distribution and the routing of each container tractor, even that is passing through the container wall, then assign and dispatch it to which individual container crane quickly and precisely. Job fulfilment is increased efficiently.


For further details, please contact us.


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